FERPA for 教师 和 工作人员


1974年的《bet36365体育投注》(也被称为《bet36365体育投注》)是一部联邦法律,有助于保护学生教育记录的隐私. The Act provides students the right to inspect 和 review education records, the right to seek to amend those records, 和 the right to limit disclosure of information from the records. 立法的目的是保护学生的权利,确保教育记录的私密性和准确性. 该法案适用于所有接受教育部长管理的联邦援助的机构.

When do FERPA rights begin?
FERPA管理和保护学生对其个人教育记录的权利. Their FERPA rights begin when they enroll; that is, when the student has scheduled classes.  

定义为 directory information may be released without a student's written permission, 前提是学生没有选择限制他或她的目录信息. 所有其他个人身份信息在学生的教育记录是保密的,可能会透露给适当的教职员工,只有当他们的正常工作职责需要这样的访问.

What is 目录 Information?

内布拉斯加大学科尔尼分校将以下项目定义为目录信息. 这些项目可以根据要求释放,除非学生通过向注册主任办公室提交书面通知特别要求.

  • 学生的名字
  • year at the University
  • dates of attendance
  • academic college 和 major field of study
  • enrollment status (e.g. undergraduate or graduate; full-time or part-time)
  • participation in officially recognized activities 和 sports
  • degrees, honors, 和 awards received
  • most recent educational agency or institution attended
  • University email address
  • 家乡

未经学生书面同意,bet36365体育不会透露任何其他信息. 除法律另有规定外,学生有权拒绝披露其通讯录信息. To withhold directory information, 学生必须在注册主任办公室填写一份防止信息泄露请求表格.


If a student has chosen to restrict the release of directory information, 没有学生的进一步书面许可,任何信息都不能发布. 有人应否向限制其通讯录资料公开的人士查询, the appropriate faculty/staff response is, “对不起。, I do not have any information on any such person."

If students have restricted the release of directory information, 当您在MyBLUE中访问他们的记录时,您将在屏幕上看到一个特殊的符号.

Am I required to release information from a student's education record?
FERPA规定你可以发布学生的目录信息, but FERPA does not require or compel you to do so.

What about subpoenas?
If you receive a subpoena regarding a student's education record, please contact the Office of the 注册商 before you respond. 在回应传票或法院命令之前,大学必须遵守FERPA规定.

May I release confidential information to officially registered student groups?

May I access confidential information about students?
访问教育记录中包含的个人身份信息可以给予适当的校园管理人员, 教员, 或者需要这种访问来履行其合法教育职责的工作人员. 教职员工不得查阅学生的学习记录,除非他们的正常工作职责特别要求查阅, 如, to records on their assigned advisees. This type of access is termed "legitimate educational interest."

How does FERPA affect letters of recommendation?
写推荐信可能需要学生明确的书面许可,允许你1)查阅学生的教育记录, 和, 2) to disclose confidential information about the student to a third party. 教职员工只有在特定的工作职责下,才可以在没有学生明确书面许可的情况下查阅学生的教育记录, 如 the duties of an academic advisor, require access to those records. 然而, a faculty member, or any other appropriate campus official, 未经学生明确书面许可,不得将学生教育记录中的机密信息透露给第三方. 关于学生的个人观察可以在未经学生同意的情况下披露. 遵循这个 link to access a Release Form for Student References. 

What information about students may I disclose to 父母?
Without the express written permission of the student, 父母, like all other third parties, may have access only to the student's directory information. If a student has restricted his or her directory information, 那么名录信息被认为是机密的,你应该回答任何询问,说:“我没有关于这个名字的个人的信息。.“只有在得到学生明确的书面许可的情况下,才能向家长透露机密信息.

请随时与注册主任办公室联系,获取保密释放表格,以便与家长或任何第三方进行对话. 学生在表格上签名,注明可能发布的记录和时间框架. 你也可以推荐家长从学生的教育记录中寻求信息到注册办公室.

Does FERPA affect the return of an assignment?
未经学生明确书面许可,不得披露学生的个人身份信息. Therefore, extreme care should be used to protect such information (e.g.(如学生成绩、身份证号码),在向学生返还作业、学期论文和考试时.

Does FERPA affect the posting of grades?
大学政策禁止在未经学生书面同意的情况下以个人身份的方式披露任何机密的学生信息. 教师 members may use student-specific, password-protected systems (如 Canvas) to communicate academic work, grades or other confidential information to students on an individual basis.

How do I properly dispose of confidential information?
Dispose of all material containing confidential information (如 tests, 论文, 通过粉碎或将其放置在用于收集以安全方式处置的材料的容器中.

FERPA questions or concerns should be directed to the Office of the 注册商.

Office of the 注册商
(308) 865-8527