Social Security Number Elimination Policy

教师, 学生 and 工作人员--

The 内布拉斯加大学 at Kearney is the custodian of confidential data for students and 员工 and we acknowledge our responsibility to secure confidential data for the protection of our constituents. We assign to students and 员工 the NU-ID, 用来代替社会安全号码作为唯一标识符的数字.

The 内布拉斯加大学 at Kearney will not use Social Security Numbers to identify students, 员工, or other persons with a bet36365体育 relationship, except for those uses required by law, 比如工资, 好处, 财政援助. 社会安全号码可以用来获取非bet36365体育, 比如就业, 信贷, 金融, 健康, 机动车, 和教育信息,将是有害的或侵犯隐私,如果披露. Our goal is to prevent unauthorized use of or access to confidential data and Social Security Numbers.

Neither the Social Security Number nor any portion of the Social Security Number will be collected, 存储, or transmitted by university 服务 or using university-owned equipment unless its use is authorized in writing by officials designated by the Chancellor. Departments or individuals who are authorized to collect, 商店, or transmit Social Security Numbers will follow guidelines to secure such data as established by the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Information 技术.

Failure to comply with this policy after January 1, 2008, may result in disciplinary action by the University.

Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. 谢谢你!.

道格拉斯一. Kristensen,总理